Build a network that will share information and identify opportunities for individuals and organizations to constructively engage in urban sustainability policy development and funding programs in California
What we like to talk about:
Urban Greening - urban forestry, greening existing spaces and rights-of-way, community gardens, urban trails, opens spaces, river parkways, and parks
Urban Watershed Management - restoration of the natural flow of streams and rivers, increased permeable surface area, water conservation and recycling, local groundwater aquifer recharge in and adjacent to urban areas, integrated water management, stormwater management, and multiple-objective projects
Land Use Planning and Infill Development - high-density, mixed-use and infill development, walkability/bikeability, transit-oriented development, multi-use venues (e.g. open space, schools, and churches serving multiple purposes), and brownfield reclamation and development
What we hope to accomplish:
* Create opportunities for a wide range of organizations, agencies, and individuals interested in urban sustainability to participate in information sharing across the state and in different sectors
* Provide relevant, current, and interesting information regarding urban sustainability issues in California
* Identify opportunities for people to engage in urban sustainability policy and funding
* The state invests current and future state funding, including Proposition 84 funds and funding appropriated towards AB 32 (Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006) implementation, in plans and projects that drive California towards a more sustainable future
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